Monday, February 1, 2016

2016 NEWS

Agenda for the Membership Meeting on Tuesday, February 16, 2016, in the MPR at 4:30pm.

  • Membership numbers  - Dan and Mary
  • Financial report – Dan and Mary
  • Pickleball members dinner and dance – cut-off February 15 – sign-up at the courts - Cynthia
  • Report on the memorial - Erik
  • Dink tournament winners -  {tournament Feb 8-10) - Polly
  • Ladder information - Polly
  • Movie night report April 20 - Vicki
  • March pickleball breakfast date - Rich
  • Skill play times – report by Cynthia’s committee
  • Sun Village tournament report Feb. 22-26 - Bill Horton
  • Revision of the by-laws – Ted
  • Air-conditioned storage for summer - Ted

The officers for 2016 are:
President - Ted Anderson                               
Secretary - Ann Frederickson                                           
Vice-president - Rich Pearson                    
Treasurer - Dan and Mary Schwark
Member-at-large - Vicki Brown

2015 Dink Tournament
22 participated in round robin pools (using blind draw)  and results were used for seeding for the double elimination tournament the following day.

Amended 3/17/2014
ARTICLE 1 NAME: The name of the club is "Sun Village Pickleball Club," hereafter referred to
as the Club in these Bylaws.
ARTICLE 2 OBJECTIVE: The Club objective is to provide a means for enjoyable pickleball at
all levels of play for any/all residents of Sun Village. Every effort should be extended to create an
atmosphere of friendliness and fair play. All members are encouraged to participate in all the
Club events.
ARTICLE 3 MEMBERSHIP: All Club members shall comply with the current Rules,
Regulations, and Policies. Active membership in the Club shall be from January 1st through
December 31 st of each year. Any property owner or renter in good standing with Sun Village
Community Association is eligible for Club membership, but must be an owner or a renter who
has rented and been a club member for 2 consecutive years or more to hold any Club office.
The Board will consist of not more than two (2) renters at any time. Dues are payable on _
February 1 st, but not later than _ the end of February, the amount to be determined by a vote of
the membership. _
ARTICLE 4 ELECTIONS: Board Members, as described in Article 5, shall be elected in_
January of each year. A nominating committee will be appointed each year by the November
Club meeting. The committee shall prepare a slate of a least one nominee for each Board
Member position to be filled. Permission of each nominee shall be obtained prior to nomination.
Nominee names will be posted at courtside two (2) weeks prior to elections. A reasonable
attempt should be made to insure both men and women are nominated. Election of Board
Members will be at a January General Meeting. Board Members shall serve for two years _
beginning February 1st. A retiring Board member must be off the Board one (1) year before
being eligible to run again. A Board meeting of the new Board will be held prior to January
31 st and chaired by the outgoing President. The new Board will elect their officers at this
meeting for the upcoming year. If a Board Member position is vacated, that position will be
filled by an appointment by the Board, subject to membership approval.
ARTICLE 5 THE BOARD: The Sun Village Pickleball Club Board will conduct the ongoing
business of the Club and Board decisions are final.
The Board shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and one At Large
member. Board Responsibilities: President: The overall operation of the Club. Vice-President,
Secretary, Treasurer, and at large member will have the usual responsibilities of these positions.
General responsibilities of the Board shall include but not limited to:
I.Court Reservations system, Drop In sign-up system and other scheduling
2.New member recruitment and Refresher Pickleball programs.
3.Club Tournaments and related activities
4.Nomination Committee for new Board Members.
5.Conduct of the day-to-day operations of the Club.

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