Tuesday, July 5, 2011

It's great hearing from Club members:

Betty and Brian, in Owatonna, MN have gotten to play pickleball both indoors and outdoors.  Ron even played with them once.  It's nice that they are close enough to see each other.
Marcyes is enjoying the ranch life, time with her grandchildren, and plays pickleball as often as possible.  Maybe she'll send us a picture of her new entry gate.
Vicki and Ray's property survived the fires in Los Alamos, NM.  I know we are all thankful to hear that; however, our sympathy goes out to them because Ray's mother passed away.
Cynthia and George have not had time to play much pickleball.  They have been selecting 'stuff' from their storage sheds to sell in their garage sales.  Sounds like people will be finding lots of treasures.  Afterward they'll be camping with grandchildren. 
Polly went on a 7 day Alaskan cruise, has camped in the White Mountains for about 3 weeks, and is spending the rest of the summer in CO with family.  Unfortunately, no time for pickleball.
Let me share what you've been doing.  Just email Polly.

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